Engaging with your clients is about asking
Easter is this Sunday and this is another opportunity to know your customers better, engage with them more and learn something that can help you.
It begins with a question and I’m going to give you a couple to use. I would love to hear about your results.
When you ask an open-ended question the things you learn about your customers is priceless.
So here are a couple of questions that will do several things.

  1. They will engage at a deeper level
  2. You can find out who your customer is and what they believe
  3. You may find a tradition or experience you want to do

Here you go:
How do you celebrate Easter?
What do you love most about the Easter holiday?
What is your favorite Easter memory?
Pick the one that resonates most with you, or use them all and uncover which one most people respond to best.
Depending on how they answer, you will collect valuable information about who your customers are and what they value.
They may share something that you want to try, and they will no doubt give you an opening to suggest something you provide that will fit into their thinking.
Let me know how it goes!
Happy Easter and I wish you also wonderful new beginnings.

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One Response

  1. Asking an employee how they feel is critical. It increases work motivation and happiness because their individual and collective experiences feel validated and heard. Answering this question can not only bring self-awareness but also provide valuable qualitative insight for others. When a team member knows what’s going on with others, the entire team is more cohesive. This creates more effective and satisfying team work  while also improving team communication.

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