What are you doing that scares you?

One of the reasons I love riding horses is that I must be present. This massive animal can kill me, after all. What are you doing that takes all your concentration? Driving in the snow maybe? Why not ask yourself what you’re doing in your life that scares you and excites you at the same […]

Monday Mindset – Love

Love is on my mind this week. The definition  of love I found was: an intense feeling of deep affection. I feel deep affection for you reading this. Thank you for being in my world. A Favorite Mind-Setting Quote: “There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved.” George Sand May you […]

Are you consistent?

Relationships may be on your mind as we start this month of February. Today’s quote is an excellent reminder that consistency can benefit all relationships. Even the one you have with yourself. A Favorite Mind-Setting Quote: “Trust is built with consistency.” Lincoln Chafee

Monday Mindset – Single Focus?

This last week of January is a great time to stop for a moment and think. What is the most important goal for you this year? Are you focusing on the actions that produce what you want? A Favorite Mind-Setting Quote: “You don’t get results by focusing on results. You get results by focusing on […]

Is your philosophy to give?

Is your philosophy to give? Set your intention. Ask yourself: What gifts do I feel most inspired by giving? Is it your sharp mind, your expertise, and/or your leadership skills? What other gifts do I have to give this week? A Favorite Mind-Setting Quote: “The  only true happiness comes from squandering ourselves for a purpose.” […]

Are you where you want to be right now?

Are you where you want to be right now? Set your intention. Ask yourself: How do I feel about this year? Can I use this feeling to plan an even better rest of the year? A Favorite Mind-Setting Quote: “The empires of the future are the empires of the mind.” ~Winston Churchill If you dig […]

Keep asking yourself…

Do you keep asking yourself . . .  Set your intention. Ask yourself: Am I asking the right questions of myself? What better questions could I be asking? A Favorite Mind-Setting Quote: “One who never asks either knows everything or nothing.” ~Malcolm Forbes If you dig my writing/thoughts, forward this to a friend. New to […]

What exactly do you believe?

What exactly do you believe? Set your intention. Ask yourself: Are my beliefs supporting my goals? Are my beliefs mine or someone else’s? A Favorite Mind-Setting Quote: “It’s a wonderful feeling when you find some evidence to support your beliefs.” ~Anonymous If you dig my writing/thoughts, forward this to a friend. New to it. Sign up […]

How active are you being?

How active are you being? Set your intention. Ask yourself: Do I use the technique of asking, “What’s the next step?” What good questions can I ask about this week? A Favorite Mind-Setting Quote: “Active natures are rarely melancholy; activity and sadness are incompatible.” ~Christian Nestell Bovee If you dig my writing/thoughts, forward this to […]

Are you thinking well?

Are you thinking well? Set your intention. Ask yourself: How can I live a more prosperity-conscious lifestyle? What do I need to think? A Favorite Mind-Setting Quote: “If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant; if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.” ~ Anne Bradstreet […]