Is your philosophy to give?

Is your philosophy to give? Set your intention. Ask yourself: What gifts do I feel most inspired by giving? Is it your sharp mind, your expertise, and/or your leadership skills? What other gifts do I have to give this week? A Favorite Mind-Setting Quote: “The only true happiness comes from squandering ourselves for a purpose.” […]
Are you where you want to be right now?

Are you where you want to be right now? Set your intention. Ask yourself: How do I feel about this year? Can I use this feeling to plan an even better rest of the year? A Favorite Mind-Setting Quote: “The empires of the future are the empires of the mind.” ~Winston Churchill If you dig […]
Keep asking yourself…

Do you keep asking yourself . . . Set your intention. Ask yourself: Am I asking the right questions of myself? What better questions could I be asking? A Favorite Mind-Setting Quote: “One who never asks either knows everything or nothing.” ~Malcolm Forbes If you dig my writing/thoughts, forward this to a friend. New to […]
What exactly do you believe?

What exactly do you believe? Set your intention. Ask yourself: Are my beliefs supporting my goals? Are my beliefs mine or someone else’s? A Favorite Mind-Setting Quote: “It’s a wonderful feeling when you find some evidence to support your beliefs.” ~Anonymous If you dig my writing/thoughts, forward this to a friend. New to it. Sign up […]
How active are you being?

How active are you being? Set your intention. Ask yourself: Do I use the technique of asking, “What’s the next step?” What good questions can I ask about this week? A Favorite Mind-Setting Quote: “Active natures are rarely melancholy; activity and sadness are incompatible.” ~Christian Nestell Bovee If you dig my writing/thoughts, forward this to […]
Are you thinking well?

Are you thinking well? Set your intention. Ask yourself: How can I live a more prosperity-conscious lifestyle? What do I need to think? A Favorite Mind-Setting Quote: “If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant; if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.” ~ Anne Bradstreet […]
What nourishes your soul?

What nourishes your soul? Set your intention. Ask yourself: How do you nurture your soul? Can you do that this week? A Favorite Mind-Setting Quote: ““We must never stop dreaming. Dreams provide nourishment for the soul, just as a meal does for the body.” ~ Paulo Coelho If you dig my writing/thoughts, forward this to […]
Are you living memorably?

Are you living memorably? Set your intention. Ask yourself: How do you want to be remembered? Are you acting in a way to make those memories a reality? A Favorite Mind-Setting Quote: “We live in deeds, not years; in thoughts, not figures on a dial. We should count time by heart throbs. He most lives who […]
What are you looking for?
What are you looking for when you look at others? Set your intention. Ask yourself: What would happen this week if you looked only for the good in everyone you meet? Can you do that now? A Favorite Mind-Setting Quote: “For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words […]
Are you questioning everything?
Are you questioning everything? Set your intention. Ask yourself: Are you asking yourself good questions? Do the questions you ask begin with “how” or “why?” (How is better.) A Favorite Mind-Setting Quote: “Tis not every question that deserves an answer.” ~Publilius Syrus If you dig my writing/thoughts, forward this to a friend. New to it. Sign […]