18 years ago I was on vacation in Maui and staying at a remote cabin with no television or electronics. That morning my husband at the time turned to me and said, “We have no idea what is happening in the world, do we?” and he smiled and I smiled back. Paradise surrounded us.
Later that day I called my office and chastised a team member for her lack luster greeting to which she got quiet and said, “You don’t know what happened, do you?”
There are things we all may remember about that day. Where we were. How we heard. Who we most wanted to reach for. Today, there are high school graduates who have no memory of 911. Anyone younger than 18 didn’t experience it, and those of us that did grow older. As the tragedies continue, like school shootings, devastating tsunamis, earthquakes, tornadoes and floods it feels like there is much loss and grief to remember, or not.
I say this because what we remember about out past is ours. One thing that has served me well in life and business is remembering mostly what went well. The joys and achievements rather than the loss and the pain.
On September 11, 2001, many people stepped up to help one another. From reports at the scene, humanity came forth with open arms. On the island where we got stuck because flight were banned, strangers gathered, hotels extended stays and distraught travels were provided for.
This day is one that many people were affected by, and many now alive were not. Are you remembering the good things that came out of it?
What if from this day forward you focused on remembering more of what went right?
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Calendly Link-Discovery Session w/ Shawna Schuh

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