The Weekly – The Christmas Stealing Presents Game

Did you steal a gift this Christmas yet? You may have played the Christmas Stealing game already – where everyone brings a wrapped gift and everyone takes a number and as things are opened, you can steal one or pick an unwrapped one. Which is the best number to have? First or last? Last night […]

The Weekly – It’s the 50th Week of the Year! Yikes!

When I announced that this week was the 50th week of the year to my accountability group, there was silence while that sunk in… 50 seems like a lot of weeks, doesn’t it? It is if you use them well – like all of life right? Here are a few things that can help you […]

Monday Mindset: Start your week off well! What gifts are you giving?

What gifts are you giving? What is your intention for the week? Ask yourself… Do I have the right focus on my giving this week? Is this a joyous time or one filled with stress? How can I shift it to more joy? The three of us are pulling together an action-packed, content-rich seminar to help […]

Monday Mindset: Start your week off well! You didn't want it anyway…

You didn’t want it anyway… What is your intention for the week? Ask yourself… You know those things you realize after you have them you really didn’t even want them? How grateful can we be we realized that – or that we have the courage to let them go? Are you grateful for all the […]

The Weekly – Bored of Directors? OR Board of Directors?

Who helps you think better? Just recently I met with my board of directors and it was anything but boring! Do you have a group of like-minded, same level leaders to help you tweak, morph and grow? Something that can be of huge value to you, and be a lot of fun too, is creating […]

Monday Mindset: Start your week off well! Are you young at heart?

Are you young at heart? What is your intention for the week? Ask yourself… How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you were? Can you think younger this week?   If you want to see more about taking your leadership to another level and learning some terrific planning tricks and tools – […]

The Weekly – Working it Right At Networking Events

Attending an event where you know there will be influencers and buyers or potential partners can be fraught with peril – unless you plan! Pets And Money is going to be an awesome event yet, how you feel about it and the results you glean from it have a lot to do with how you […]

The Weekly – What Happens When You Go Away?

Is Your Business Self-Managing? This week I’m actually at a business retreat in Hawaii. Tough life I have, I know… And this ezine is still being delivered, the horses and pets still being fed and business is still getting done. How does that happen without stress or concern? There are various things that help you […]

Monday Mindset: Start your week off well! What are you putting off?

What are you putting off? What is your intention for the week? Ask yourself… If not now, when? If not you, who? What are you putting off? TOP WOMEN IN THE PET INDUSTRY MAGAZINE Winter Winner’s Issue Coming Soon!  Sign up to receive your free digital copy If you want to see more about taking your leadership […]