The Weekly – What are You Still Hurt About?

Did you know there is Healing through Heeling… It turns out that my Papillion, Stewart, failed the AKC’s Canine Good Citizen trail, twice in his youth. Years ago, when I brought him home my family was going through some hard times. We had two young boys and through the turmoil I fear they were less […]

Pet Women Weekly – What if you couldn’t make Priority plural?

Dear Pet Lover, What if you couldn’t make Priority plural?   Helping entrepreneurs and leaders excel is my business. It’s the greatest gift and most thrilling thing I’ve ever done and I am blessed with the most exceptional clients in the universe. And most everyone dances around how to set their priorities. One way that […]

Pet Women Weekly – Do you have a mind like water?

Dear Pet Lover, Do you have a mind like water?   In karate, there is something called “mind like water” – which implies being in perfect readiness. David Allen in his fine book, “Getting Things Done” describes this process like this: “Imagine throwing a pebble into a still pond. How does the water respond? The […]

Promote Your Pet Business

In a perfect world, customers would be beating a path to your door. In the real world, though, those of is in business have to clear the path and invite clients and customers to our door. I work with many clients who will say, “I hate ‘shameless self promotion’.” To that I say, “If you […]