Daring Makes it So

The word Audacious means to show a willingness to take surprisingly bold risks. The synonyms are: bold, daring, fearless, intrepid, brave, courageous, valiant, heroic and plucky.

Do you think that describes you?

My favorite of the above is PLUCKY and since it rhymes with Lucky it’s worth a quick look.
How would you rate yourself on being Audacious or Plucky?
Remembering that means to take bold risks…
Here’s something to help you:
On a scale of 1 -10 with 10 being best…

If you rated yourself at 50 or above you are definitely Audacious, and if not, you have some things to work on (and don’t we all).
Here’s the real big question – Who are you hanging around that can help keep you plucky or get you there?
List the top 5 people you hang with and let them take the score – and then think about what you need to do to increase it.
I’m here to help you. You audacious achiever!
Blessings, Shawna

 STAY TUNED for the upcoming issue of
Top Women in the Pet Industry Magazine.  

Do you want a little help with your goals and routines? Executive Coaching may be the ticket! Click here to schedule a complimentary session with Shawna to discuss your goals.

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