Dear Pet Lover,

Why not be Excited?

Vince Lombardi once said,

I love that quote – because it’s the leader who is “Fired with Enthusiasm” and I know I am!

Are you?

And, in keeping with our theme – is enthusiasm a habit for you?

Another fab quote:

“Enthusiasm is the electricity of life. How do you get it? You act enthusiastic until you make it a habit.” Gordon Parks

 A couple of ways I stay excited and enthusiastic that may be of help to you:

Pets: A wagging tail travels all the way up to my heart and head –

Smart alarm/alert sounds! this is something that really shifts my day – I don’t wake up “ALARMED” I wake up “Alert” by shifting my alerts (not alarms) to something I like. Aren’t smart phones fab?

Visuals that make me smile. Most everything in my living environment is there because I dig it. Today look around at what is in your line of sight and rid yourself of anything that doesn’t give you a boost.

I am FIRED with Enthusiasm!!!! Are you?

You create your day by the way you think! Make it magnificent!


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