Leader Feature: Howard Nestell, Elaine’s Pet Resort
You are going to love this interview with Howard from Elaine’s Pet Resort. He’s not only humble and handsome, he will redefine the idea of what retirement is for you! Plus, the business is family run including his mom (85-years-young), and was built out of necessity. Enjoy and let me know you did! Be seen, […]
How to delight a customer

Doing something nice for a small business in this time of bewilderment is a sweet idea. So many people are doing so many great things, and it’s inspiring to read or view the wonderful ways people are helping each other. The other night I decided to do a little something to help out. I ordered […]
Are you taking fresh steps?
Are you taking fresh steps? Set your intention. Ask yourself: What can I learn today that will help me think better no matter what else is happening around me? A Favorite Mind-Setting Quote: “Fresh activity is the only means of overcoming adversity..” ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe If you dig my writing/thoughts, forward this […]
Leader Feature: Lisa Blaurock, Affordable Allergy Test
If you have ever wondered, “Why do I feel this way physically?” you will love reading Lisa Blaurock’s story about how she learned about allergy testing, and how to make it affordable. These tests helped her, her daughter and her pets! This story will inspire you to do the testing that will help you, your human family and […]
Because a question can change everything.

As we evolve and get closer to what you want most, we are redefining our value to you. Your support and encouragement has been outstanding. When you take the time to respond to a question I’ve asked or a challenge I’ve posed, you allow me to fine tune what I write, how I write it, […]
Where do you live from?
Where do you live from? Set your intention. Ask yourself: Do you live from the inside out or the outside in? Which place seems most important? A Favorite Mind-Setting Quote: “Every man is the painter and sculptor of his own life.” ~St. John Chrysostom If you dig my writing/thoughts, forward this to a […]
We interrupt our regularly scheduled Leader Feature
We interrupt our regularly scheduled Leader Feature to check in with you. Does it feel like the world flipped over on it’s side this past weekend? Wow! Our focus is YOU. To that end let’s do two things: Connect with each other. You are not alone. We are here, and so are the other members. Use this […]
Are you feeling fearful?

According to my trusty online dictionary, fear is defined as an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat. Does this describe the current state of affairs or what? Are you feeling fearful? If you are, and it’s likely you may be, is this the state you […]
Are you an action taker?
Are you an action taker? Set your intention. Ask yourself: Are you living a life of action or reaction? What steps (action) can you take this week toward your goal? A Favorite Mind-Setting Quote: “Think like a man of action; act like a man of thought.” ~Henri Bergson If you dig my writing/thoughts, […]
Leader Feature: Kathy Tsai, Petique
In today’s leader’s profile, Kathy Tsai who owns Petique, shares how dogs came late to her in life. It happened because of her mom, and how her mom feels now (maybe you will be able to relate). However, the really amazing thing about Kathy is — not only is she helping pets but she is helping the environment […]